In honor of Autism Awareness Month, I am posting a devotional from my book about my son, Parker's Story: Essays on Autism and Awesometism.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. Matthew
A relaxing massage, a long nap or a
nice hot bowl of creamy clam chowder. Those are the luxuries we may treat
ourselves with when faced with a stressful situation. We resort to a method of rest
and self-regulation, perhaps.
For autistic children like my son Parker, self-regulation
is a not a matter of luxury but of necessity. With the inability to process his
emotions and handle the multiple stimuli careening around him, Bubba frequently
resorts to self-regulating behaviors. Like many with autism, Parker will
self-regulate by running wildly through the house,
flapping his hands in constant motion. This is a sign that he is happy about
something, but excited, and needs to process some energy. Another common
self-regulation tool for my son is to sit on the floor and flip a book.
Endlessly. Something about the repetitive motion and sound and monotony are
soothing to him when he feels overloaded. It is not uncommon for him to flip
the book from back cover to front cover for 45 minutes straight. Yet another
self-soothing behavior stems from Parker’s love for numbers and counting. He
will recite digits over and over and invent games in his head that allow him to
focus on numbers. One night we were
shocked when, at the age of four, he calmed himself by counting to 100! (I
know, he’s a genius. J)
Now that he broke his leg in
an at-home incident involving the dog and a wet kitchen floor, these
self-regulating soothers have been stolen from him. He can’t run or jump. And
with his burdensome cast it is almost impossible to get him down on the floor
and back up. Instead, he spends the entire day sitting. On the couch. On his
wheelchair. Occasionally on the toilet. Sitting. All day. I can see the
frustration. His go-to soothing tools have been taken from him. His body has no
familiar way to process the change, the commotion. He cannot tell me what he
needs. Together we have not entirely figured out a new way to help him
He does rock his body now
when he sits on the couch. Big swinging motions with a firm hit of his back on
the cushions. I worry that he will hurt himself but also know his body needs
some sort of outlet. Some way to process all that has happened. We so take for
granted that when we are stressed we can go shopping or exercise to relieve the
stress. For many, including my son, escaping the stress of life is not nearly
as easy. Not nearly as common. I can only hope that God is helping him rest and
self-regulate in ways that I cannot see or know. He is a trooper. I do know
When my son broke his leg his life
changed dramatically and I felt hopeless. Ask yourself in what areas of your
life do you feel hopeless. It might be your finances or your love life or your
health. Those are the areas where God can step in and provide you peace and
rest. Give those areas of your life to Him in prayer. Then do your best to set
aside time to relax.
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