Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Who is your all time favorite superhero? That was the question on our whiteboard at work this morning. Each week a pop culture question is asked, we all write our answer on the board and vote at the end of the week for a winner. Iron Man, Super Man, Hulk were all listed. I wrote down "My son." I don't think I'll win the whiteboard contest this week, but my answer is truthful. Superheroes are wonderful sources of entertainment that we watch and read about. I think they serve a valuable purpose. But ultimately they are not real. What my son has overcome and the strength and perseverance he shows every day to rise above his challenges -- that is real. That is what we should recognize and celebrate. And that makes him my superhero.
If you'd like me to share Parker's inspirational story at your church or event, please contact me at 916-296-4647.

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