Thursday, August 02, 2012


My wife swears I am strange. And she is probably right.

No, not because I constantly leave the toilet seat up. And I don't have some weird foot fetish. It's not like that.

I'm strange because I love the Wheel of Fortune. Wait, there's more to it. Just wanted to start you slow. Don't want to freak you out. I love all of Wheel of Fortune. It has been such a blessing to my family. Not only has it entertained us for hours. Or half hours. But I think it is also largely responsible for helping my special needs son learn his alphabet. Even as an infant, before his Cerebral Palsy and autism were completely diagnosed, it was the first TV program he would pay attention to. I think all the clapping and the bright colors on the wheel appealed to his sensory deprivation issues. He screams when people win the bonus round, cries when they don't, and still works "I'd like to buy a vowel please, Pat" into his daily conversations. It would be a fascinating doctoral thesis to study how Wheel of Fortune has benefited America's children by teaching them the alphabet, but even more specifically the special needs children of this nation. But that's  probably it's own blog post and I digress.

Back to why my wife says I am strange. I love Wheel of Fortune. I love all of Wheel of Fortune. But what makes me strange is that my absolute favorite part of Wheel of Fortune is the end of the program banter between Pat and Vanna. Look for it the next time you watch. It's the last part of the show before the credits and commercials. I've always liked Pat Sajak, even in his failed attempt at a late night talk show. He makes me laugh. I'm easy. Vanna White doesn't usually say much. She laughs at Pat's jokes, looks great and smiles approvingly. Not bad qualities for a wife to have, TV or otherwise.

At the end of every episode Pat and Vanna have 16 seconds to wrap up the episode and say (and wave) goodbye. I know it is 16 seconds because one evening they ended the show by telling us they had an average of 16 seconds every night to end the show. Other Pat and Vanna banter segments have included what the date on your egg cartons mean, what New Year's resolution Vanna made (and expects to break), and how Pat packs the school lunchboxes of all of his children. It's sweet, silly stuff. And I love it.

I'm strange that way.

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