Saturday, July 27, 2019


From Parker's Story: Essays on Autism and Awesometism, available on


I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14


Dear older gentleman shopping at Home Depot this morning: While in the store I acquired a super power that let me read your mind. Thus I can answer the question you didn’t ask. Yes, my son is different. He has autism. Yes, he does walk around the entire store excitedly talking to himself. Yes, if it suits him, he and I will walk up and down the lumber or lawn and garden tool aisles 30 times in a row. When he jumps up and down and flaps his arms that means he is happy, having fun and feels safe. My Bible assures me that he is just as fearfully and wonderfully made as the rest of us. So relax, because with your staring, gawking and disapproving glances, you are the one who looks silly.


If you are the parent of a special needs child, or know someone who has a disability, chances are they are going to be stared at or made fun of at some point in their life. Pray for Jesus’ protection and encouragement to be with them during those times. If you witness someone with a disability being teased or bullied, practice right now how you would respond to that situation, speaking the truth in love to defend that disabled individual.

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