Sunday, August 18, 2019


“In a great big world, spinnin’ around, 
people walking on shaky ground,
My foundation’s solid.
Like a vessel getting’ tossed on the big blue sea, 
tryin’ to knock me off my feet
It’s you that keeps me solid.” – Solid, sung by Eric Church
I found this song by Eric Church via the Ram truck commercial on television. I like the lyrics. The chorus sounds like it could be a reference to a solid foundation through faith in Christ. But I don't know enough about the singer or lyricist to know if that was their intent.

Solid by Eric Church on YouTube

1 comment:

Stephanie Seiber said...

Per Eric Church's own words
When you talk about ’Solid’ and you talk about believing in who you are, and the core of who you are, I think that you could really boil this whole record down to that track. It really does encompass how I view myself, my belief, and where we are not only personally but musically.”