Tuesday, August 27, 2019



“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Ephesians 4:26


I yelled at a man today. Screamed at him, actually. In a hotel lobby. And 12 hours later, I still haven't gotten over it. The anger still courses through me. I'm not sure why I got so angry. I even apologized to the guy for my outburst five minutes later. Still, I don't think my anger was unjustified. When it comes to my emotions, I feel very insecure, inexperienced. Maybe most men do.

It all started when my family was trying to check out of our hotel room after a weekend retreat for work. Families were invited, and the boss was paying for the room on the company credit card. Somehow the lady behind the front desk was unwilling to charge the room to the company credit card. So, while we were trying to resolve the matter, my son Parker, who is every bit the toddler of two and a half years old, got bored and frustrated. He started screaming. Parker is and has always been a screamer. It's hard to be the parent of a screamer. The dirty looks you get from others. The "Why can't you control your child?" glares. And the way it makes you think, why can't I control my child? To be honest, I don't completely know why my son screams. I know part of it is because he is in the "terrible twos." But he screamed at younger ages, too, so that is not the full answer. Another element is he is a strong-willed child, and his boredom led him to react in a strong-willed way. Part of it is also a result of his disability. His therapists tell us that his cerebral palsy has left him with sensory deprivation. Screaming is a way to jolt his system when he needs it. But of course, people unfamiliar with Parker don't know this. Including the man I yelled at today. He, too, was waiting in the lobby. After about three loud screams from Parker, he had had enough and yelled at him. I immediately blew my top. I screamed at him...LOUD...in front of a lot of people in the hotel lobby. "Don't yell at my son," I hollered. "He has Cerebral Palsy and he screams because he can't control himself. DON'T YELL AT MY SON." The guy remained silent, I think shocked him by my outburst.

Believe me, screaming and yelling is not my modus operandi. It's very rare that I would raise my voice like that to a stranger. But something snapped. I had to walk outside for a few minutes to calm down. I still need to calm down from it. My wife was glad I yelled at him. She says I need to work at not bottling up my emotions, instead letting them out. Even in crowded hotel lobbies. So why am I still so worked up about it? Why did I feel the need to apologize? All ongoing questions for another day, I suppose.


            The above event happened when my son was two and a half years old. It wasn’t until six months later that he was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. Yet the need to scream to combat his sensory deprivation was a telling sign of the autism diagnosis that was to come. Screaming has consistently been a part of his autistic tantrums throughout his life. Sensory deprivation and sensory overload are common among individuals with autism. Along with screams, my son regularly requires squeezes. He asks us to squeeze his hands, arms, feet and legs to stimulate sensation throughout his body.


            The Bible does not condemn anger. God created us with emotions and anger is one of the key ones. Even Jesus got angry. Our Father does however condemn sin that results from our anger. We are commanded to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). I spoke the truth to that man in the hotel lobby. I think I missed the mark on the “in love” part. When you get angry, where do you miss the mark? Do you use foul language to express anger? Does your anger cause you to gossip or tear down others as a way of feeling better about yourself? Perhaps pride invades your anger and causes you to get self-involved and forget about the needs of others. Don’t feel guilty about getting angry. God wants us to get angry. But he also wants us to act responsibly and righteously when we do. The next time you are feeling angry, remember to invite the Holy Spirit into your anger and ask Him to protect you from sin.

 This essay is from my book More Autism and Awesometism: Devotionals From and About a Special Needs Family.

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